Scott Perry
For many years I worked throughout Maine as a freelance photographer primarily for the Associated Press and the Maine Times. My photos appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world including Newsweek, the New York Times, USA Today, and National Geographic Magazine. I enjoyed capturing bits of history on film and sharing it with others through the news media. However, I often found myself wanting to get more into my pictures than the normal window of view regular 35mm cameras could provide. I now work with digital cameras making as wide a view as I want by stitching images together. I also create digital “paintings” when the subject calls for it. They are available for purchase online and at selected art shows and galleries.
My goal is to create views within the confines of a picture frame that are so expansive and magnificent, they will make you feel you are at the place the picture was taken. I hope my photography will rekindle your memories of a special place and help you share the beauty of that special place with others.